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Microphthalmia | Lethal White | Guinea Pigs

Microphthalmia | Lethal White | Guinea Pigs

Birth defect white guinea pigs. 65mm glass dome with a black base.

Microphthalmia in guinea pigs is more commonly known as Lethal White.

The Microphthalmia presents itself as pure white, blind, deaf & no teeth, most of the time. A lot of lethal white babies are stillborns like these babies.

These babies were all stillborn and the owner had only just purchased the guinea pig who birthed them not knowing she was actually pregnant at the time.

The mother got a loving home, veterinary care and won't be bred again but unfortunately her babies did pass away and were birthed (veterinary assisted) deceased.

These guinea pigs, unlike other baby guinea that are born with teeth, do not have teeth or eyes.

Sadly they were not to be but adoption of pregnant sow (female guinea pig) is quite common and sometimes cannot be helped.

Fixation- All specimen are properly preserved using a 10% NBF for a minimum of 21 days for a 60g guinea pig. Specimen are removed of formalin by soaking in distilled water.

This specimen is suspended in 70% ETHANOL.

Wet specimen suspended in an alcohol based solution benefit from having the solution changed every 6 months-1 year as the alcohol content depletes over time.


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